PO vacancies are to be filled as part of SBI PO recruitment. Most of you would know that the selection process involves two phases
- Phase I – Preliminary Exam
- Phase II – Main Exam
Since the SBI PO prelims exam is to be conducted on July 2, 3 , 9 & 10th, we are publishing a very detailed study plan to help you prepare in 7 weeks.
Before proceeding further, let us take a look at the exam syllabus first along with the topics to cover in each section.
SBI PO Prelims Syllabus
The important highlights of SBI PO recruitment`s preliminary test are:
- 1 hour time limit
- 3 sections
- 100 questions » 100 marks
As this prelims paper does not have GK section, you can concentrate only on the following 3 core subjects.
Quantitative Aptitude: This section will have 35 questions from the following chapters:
- Numbers – Basics of Number Systems; HCF & LCM; Simplications; Number Series ✓
- Arithmetic – Averages & Allegations; Ratio & Proportion; Percentage, Profit & Loss; Simple & Compound Interest; Age Problems; Speed, Time & Distance; Time & Work ✓
- Modern Math – Probability; Permutations & Combinations ×
- Geometry – Mensuration (question around area, perimeter and volume) ✓
- DI * – Data Interpretation(compulsory) & Data sufficiency ✓
is very likely that DI will be part of QA as most PO exams including
IBPS PO refer to this section as “Quantitative Aptitude” but a
significant portion of it is dedicated to DI questions.
Reasoning: It will have 35 questions asked from the below topics:
- Analytical Reasoning – Seating Arrangements , Grouping, Selection, Matching etc (Last preference)
- Other Verbal Reasoning - Blood Relations, Coding-decoding, Input-Output, Critical Reasoning (Statement-Assumption, Strong & Weak Arguments, Courses of Action)×, Direction Sense, Venn diagrams.
While the level of questions shall be of easy to moderate level, each correct answer fetches you 1 mark.
English: This section shall contain 30 questions from the following areas:
- Grammar
- Para jumbles *
- Cloze Test *
- Fill in the blanks *
- Vocabulary
- Reading Comprehension *
SBI PO Study Plan
A comprehensive study plan has been designed based on the syllabus & importance of topics.
Reading the table:The topic colors tell you the expected no. of questions from a specific topic.
The mentioned time in the plan is for an entire week & not for 1 day.It also recommends allotting 25% of the time for learning & 75% for practice.
For example,
if 8 hours is mentioned for a topic, it means that you spend 2 hours
for learning the concepts & 6 hours in practicing them.
Want a more stuff? Workout Prelims & Mains exam using the following:
As you can see from the table, the final weeks are completely allotted only for practicing. This is mainly to improve your speed & accuracy which is very much required for all competitive exams.
Only if you qualify in the preliminary test, you will be shortlisted
for the main exam.Hence a systematic approach for all round preparation
is necessary.
SBI PO Exam Books:
Before moving with the SBI PO study plan, you need to have the necessary books that shall help you to self study from home.
the books listed below are very popular among candidates.They have
received many positive reviews & rated as cheap & best on online
book stores.
Guides & Practice Stuff:
* Click here to buy online Practice sets for SBI PO prelims exam.
Quantitative aptitude:
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Arihant publications – Click here to buy
Objective English for Competitive Examinations (English) 5th Edition – Click here to buy online
1. A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning (English) Revised Edition – Click here to buy online
Online Mock Tests
* Click here to buy 20 SBI PO prelims & 10 mains online mocks for Rs.749
We believe the above syllabus & study plan will help you in managing the available time effectively to crack the test.
For alternate plan click here.